Integrated Resort Casinos are Coming to Japan!
Did you know that Japan has no government-approved standalone casinos at the moment? But there..
The Nightlife Directory in Japan
Whether you’re a businessman, digital nomad, solo backpacker, or traveling for fun with frie..
Have a Great Time at the Odaiba Oedo Onsen Monogatari
If you are in Japan and haven’t visited the Odaiba Oedo Onsen Monogatari, you are missing out..
The Best Onsen (Hot Bath) in Osaka
Since ancient times, the Japanese are known for their love for Onsen. These hot springs are use..
The Best Dance Clubs in Osaka
Osaka is filled with fun lovers famous for drinking, shopping, and partying. This is the best p..
The Best Bars In Osaka
ake a dive and enjoy the nightlife of Osaka thanks to a fun-filled bar crawl. We have a list of..
Top 5 Themed Bars in Tokyo
From small tourist attractions to legendary partying districts, Tokyo is one of the most divers..
Top 5 Dance Clubs in Tokyo
You’re spending a few days and, more importantly, nights in Tokyo? Lucky you! If you’re..
The Best LGBT Clubs in Tokyo
Tokyo is a place for all people — anyone can find friends here. Even though the LGBT comm..